For the first time ever as a family we were able to attend the University of Iowa Homecoming Parade. The annual event a special time for the Engelberts as Homecoming is where Matthew and Dana first met in 1991. She was the PR Director for Homecoming week while I was the Parade Coordinator.
Colin was looking for any advantage he could get for a better view of the entrants passing by.
What would a Homecoming Parade be without a college co-ed riding in a convertable. We're not sure if this is the Homecoming Queen or a member of the court, but like most Homecoming Queens, she'll be forgotten once the weekend is over.
And for some reason the people at Roberts Dairy felt it was important to bring their Cow to downtown Iowa City.
It was a tough go for Colin who was looking for any and all candy coming his way. A sucker and Laffy Taffy was the best he could do.
It was only appropriate that the Tampa Bay Iowa Club appears in the Homecoming Parade. With Iowa's three appearances in the city's Outback Bowl over the last ten years, the Iowa Marching Band has marched in the Outback Bowl parade held on New Year's Eve in Ybor City.
The floats sponsored by the many special groups at the University were a disappointment. This year's theme was "Black and Gold Never Gets Old." The above float by the Tippie School of Business was one of the better, yet we couldn't get a connection with the theme.
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