Friday, May 29, 2009
Media Guides becomming a Dinosaur
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Graduation Day
Colin's Class Marches into the Auditorium.
Colin takes the walk to pick up his diploma.

Colin and the rest of his Frog Hollow class, taught by Ms. Alisha
The proud parents with the recent grad.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Honey Creek Resort

Cubs - Cardinals

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Kinnick's New Turf Taking Shape
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sittin in the Principal's Office
- Some of the shows garnering the most media attention are reality-style. Celebrity Apprentice, Dancing with the Stars, Amazing Race, Survivor, and Americna Idol are the more popular. Lost, which typically goes head to head with the finale of AI, ended a week earlier this year. The final performances of AI contestants were some of the more memorable of the history of the show, and Shawn's dancing captivated fans in Iowa as well as around the country, but it is refreshing to watch shows with great writing, such as Lost. The reality shows may be cheaper to produce but shows such as Lost, 30 Rock and SNL showed some of the greatest moments from 2009.
- Michael Vick will get another opportunity to play. Some owner or coach will take the chance. Whoever signs him should do so by earning his way back. He should not be paid any more than the base minimum. Any more should be incentive based--incentives based on off-field performance, not on-field. Sign him to a five-year contract. No reason any team should deal with him for two years and then he becomes a free-agent leading to a higer paying contract somewhere else. That's not fair to the team that brought him back and endured the cirucs that will surround his return.
- Much talk lately of the Cubs transfer of power to the Ricketts family from Sam Zell and the Tribune. The Ricketts family will find themselves paying large contracts in the later years for players such as Alfonso Soriano and Carlos Zambrano. In order to pay these high-priced athletes fans can expect to see ticket prices continue to increase. Consider where the North Siders could be today. Catcher Geovany Soto, Infielders Bobby Scales, Ryan Theriot and Mike Fontenot, Outfielder Micah Hoffpauier, and pitchers Ryan Dempster, Carlos Zambrano, Shawn Marshall and Randy Wells all came up through the organization. (Dempster started out with the Marlins, but started his rehab from arm injury at the Cubs Class A Peoria Chiefs). Ted Lilly was a realtively cheap acquisition. Rather than paying top dollar for players such as Soriano, Derrick Lee and Aramis Ramirez had the Cubs went after cheaper Ryan Zimmerman and such I believe they could be in the same position in the standings as they are today. The Cubs aren't far away with home grown talent, but they risk future acquisitions based on the upcoming payroll.
- I need to drink more milk.
- It is nice to see a NHL Final Four including at least three teams from Hockey Towns. The Blackhawks and Red Wings is what the league needs, as well as Chicago.
- I'm ready for Pixar's "Up." I enjoy taking my son to movies.
- Speaking of my son, tonight was my t-ball head coaches meeting. We are the Rockies! Watch Out!
- If anyone has any good BlackBerry Apps...pass them my way.
Friday, May 15, 2009
NCAA Softball

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Now wait for 9 months

Monday, May 11, 2009
Let's Play Two

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Social Event of the Year

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Iowa Football Video Staff Golf Outing

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Purely Iowa--Pella Tulip Time

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Colin's Birthday Weekend in Chicago

Staying at a hotel near O'Hare allowed Colin to keep an eye on many airplanes landing.

And the luggage cart was his own "Blue Line train."

Here Colin and I take a picture from our seats, perhaps some of the worst in the ballpark. While trying to economize our trip to the Windy City, we decided to purchase the cheapest seats the Cubs had to offer, however, stay away from Row 9 of the Upper Deck Reserved in Section 509. Row 9 is the last row and those in Section 509 could not see the Center Field Scoreboard. On this sunny day with temperatures in the 60s, our seats backed up to a chain link fence with a cold wind howling into our backs. Colin did tough it out and we made it through seven plus innings.

Of course we had to take time to do a little swimming. If we weren't riding on public transportation, we were in the pool.

This was an exciting weekend for Colin. He was jumping for joy. Although it is difficult to see, there is definite seperation between his legs and the bed.
It was a long weekend, but it was a good weekend. Colin crashed hard every night.
For those of you with Facebook accounts, more pictures will be posted there.