Friday, November 28, 2008

Buying a Christmas Tree

The day after Thanksgiving is full of activities. Waking up early to shop, sitting at home watching college football, putting up Christamas lights or catching part of the "Kelly's Leftovers," the Beverly Hills 90210 Marathon on the Soap Network are among the some of the options. The one trip we made was to find a Christmas tree.
I am not a believer in pushing the Christmas hoiday any sooner that commercial America already pushes it. Shopping starts too early, Chirstmas music on the radio is unnecessary, and my preference to buying a tree would be a couple of weeks prior to the 25th, not the day after Thanksgiving. But with the cost of a tree, and spending the Christmas holiday at the Iowa bowl site and not Coralville, we want to make the most of the tree we can. That led us to Lowes today to pick out the best one possible. It will be decorated Sunday.

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