Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
DSM Mini Clinic

Anually members of the Iowa Football Staff travel to Des Moines for a mini-clinic for local coaches. This is the tenth year travelling around Iowa. Past years have seen stops at Sioux City, Council Bluffs, Chicago, Davenport, Cedar Rapids as well as Des Moines. On this night offensive line coach Reese Morgan, defensive coordinator Norm Parker and strength and conditioning coach Chris Doyle presented.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
River Run

Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Football's Softball Tourney
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Final Home Opener--Yankee Stadium
Boom! He's Retiring.

Recently announced, John Madden is retiring from broadcasting.
CBS Sports,
John Madden,
NFL on Fox,
Pat Summerall
Practice 13 Under the Lights
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
It's Official--Three Night Games
The Big Ten announced today three Iowa Football games will begin under the lights. Rematch of last season's upset of then undefeated Penn State will begin at 8pm (et) on ABC / ESPN in State College. The Hawkeye's Homecoming game with Michigan will also appear on ABC / ESPN beginning at 7pm (ct). Iowa's lone evening appearance on the Big Ten Network will be at East Lansing for the battle with Michigan State.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Play Ball
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Artificial Gray

First Avenue Live in Cedar Rapids was the place Arificial Gray, a band which includes assistant Iowa Football Trainer Tad Leusch on drums, debuted. AG opened for heavy metal rock Band Inch 75 by playing songs by groups such as Three Doors Down and Nickleback.
My wife and I both walked out fans. The forty-five minute set left us wanting more. However the Cedar Rapids roller derby ladies who appeared for the next act scared us away at the end. AG has a few stops planned in the future. Check out for more information.
Saturday Scrimmage

Former NFL official and new head of Big Ten officiating, Bill Carolla attended as officials from the midwest worked the scrimmage. Individuals who have officiated some Big Ten game, but aren't full-time to the conference got some much needed experience.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Opening Day at Miller Park
One of my favorite pictures when Colin was just over a year old. Here he takes in his second of two MLB games in as many days. The day before he was at Wrigley Field, this night at Miller Park watching the Brew Crew take on the Atros. It was also at a time where he was interested in walking. Luckily there was an empty seat near us and he made his way around peanut shells and his baby bag. Highlight of the night was, of course, the Sausage Race.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Practice Under the Lights
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
He's Back

It is good to see #14 straighten himself out and agree to the terms set by the Iowa administration and Learfield Communications. Podolak will definitely be tested this season, but knowing how dedicated he was to returning to the booth and correcting his ways, hopefully Iowa fans will be supportive and not distracting to keeping him on the straight and narrow.

Monday, April 6, 2009
John Wooden
Had to post this ad. Colin's Grandmommy gave me this poem that John Wooden wrote and it has been posted on our refridgerator. John Wooden is arguably the greatest college basketball coach of all-time. No one has matched his championship win total and with this philosophy, you see why he has had his success.
Play Ball
Opening Day in Major League Baseball. The Cubs are in first place, for today, and all fans dream of post-season baseball in their parks. Starting today I will post photos I have taken of ballparks where teams are opening at home.

The Ballpark at Arlington. This has been a few years, but one of the rare afternoon games of the Texas Rangers. Cleveland was the opening opponent and lost to the Rangers 8-1.
The Metrodome. The final year that it will host the Minnesota Twins. Of course the above picture was taken during the Iowa - Minnesota game of 2008, but my trips to see the Twins pre-dates affordable digital cameras. The Twins dropped its last home indoor opener to Seattle, 6-1.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Practice Goes Inside
One of Colin's favorite places clashed with one of Colin's favorite activities on this Sunday. The Coralville Public Library hosted an indoor miniature golf tournament to raise money. Holes were sponsored by many different local companies, and they manuevered through the dewey decimal system.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Spring Practice #6
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Guys Night Out

The International House of Pancakes located next to the tracks of the Hawkeye Express is a favorite of the "C-Man," and where we headed to for dinner. Pancakes were enjoyed by each of us as mom had a meeting to attend to.
Probably won't be part of our feature in the fall, "Night Out on the Town," but IHOP is a favorite of this little boy. To express his satisfaction on the way home Colin said, "Daddy, I want to keep you for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever." Asked why his response was, "Cause I love you." Definitely made Dad extremely happy.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
25 Tips for Effective Leaders
This is written by former president of CBS Sports, Neal Pilson.
- Be on Time. Woody Allen should have said, "90 percent of life is showing up...on time." In fact, it doesn't hurt to be early.
- Return calls, emails and letters as promptly as possible. If you don't have an answer or a response at the time, acknowledge receipt and say you will get back soon or by a certain date.
- Send thank you, congratulatory and condolence notes. Be solicitous, caring and thoughtful with your staff. Remember birthdays.
- Be sure every meeting ends with a "next steps" discussion. Far too often, meeting participants will exit without a clear understanding of what was decided, what is expected of them and what is the timetable for further action.
- Avoid personal criticisms, sarcasm, snide remarks and put-down humor. In fact, never make comments or jokes about race, gender, sexual preference, religious affiliation, physical attributes, etc. It makes you look small, but even worse, it can get you sued and fired. But, genuine humor is a great gift and a very important personal attribute. Most leaders have a good sense of humor and can laugh at themselves.
- Try not to choose sides in office politics, and avoid gossiping about other employees. Every email, letter or written document you send out has potential legal (and very damaging) consequences for you and your company. Don't hit that "send" key without a sober and thorough review of what you have just written. Take particular care with BlackBerry transmissions, which often get less thought and study than e-mails you send from your laptop.
- Be honest and truthful at all times but know when to be circumspect or silent. Candor is not always appreciated nor the right response in every situation. You don't tell a mother her baby is ugly.
- Respect confidences and don't share office information outside the workplace.
- Do not criticize staff in front of their peers but do discuss mistakes and errors directly with the individual, in private.
- Picture phones, e-mail and BalckBerrys have eliminated privacy even if you are 5,000 miles from home or office. Need proof? Ask Michael Phelps.
- Keep the door to you office open when you are alone and not on a confidential call. Don't wall yourself off. Encourage your staff to come in and talk.
- Circulate around the office floor. visit and talk to your employees on their turf. Take your staff members to lunch from time to time or buy the pizza for staff lunch meetings.
- Control your own schedule. Don't allow your secretary, assistant or staff to book or commit you to meetings, travel or lunch dates without your prior knowledge and approval. Your time is your most valuable asset and you have the decide where you are going to be and when you are going to be there.
- A good leader has a totally correct, accurate and responsible resume.
- Dress the part. Not necessarily suit and tie, but smart casual if that's the office standard.
- Practice using the term "we" when discussing your company's prior successes or future plans. Too many leaders talk about their business in the first person, such as "I made a great deal," when it sounds much better (and is usually more accurate) to say, "We made a great deal."
- Welcome and be respectful of staff suggestions, comments and criticisms. Solicit and embrace new, over-the-top, out-of-the-box thinking from your staff even if most novel ideas do not survive the light of day. The few that do could advance their (and your) career.
- If you make a mistake, admit it, apologize and move on. Expect the same from your staff. But, discuss and evaluate mistakes (yours and theirs) to learn from them and not repeat them.
- E-mails contain paper trails; never forward an e-mail until you check to see what is attached. Bear in mind that negative or off-color comments you make in an e-mail live forever and can inadvertently be sent along to third parties. Also, never, ever, leave a nasty or hostile phone message.
- Don't party hard. Leaders don't do that. Stay out of the strip clubs at 3 a.m. (or at any time) and far away from any potentially compromising situations. Always, always, be in full control of yourself, and be wary of fellow staff members ho get out of control.
- Be available at all times. 24/7, for important matters. Leaders do not take weekends, holidays or vacations like normal people. Almost all leaders are on the job all the time. If you are really going to inaccessible, be sure to designate and authorize you senior staff to handle emergencies.
- When you delegate responsibility, it's not unfair to expect your staff will make the right decision. Nor is it unfair to expect that if a staff member brings you a problem, he/she will also bring you a suggested solution.
- Saying, "Let me think about this. I will get back to you shortly" is a perfectly appropriate response in almost all situations including (especially) very important negotiations.
- Lead, follow or get out of the way. this may surprise you, but good leaders are good followers as well. In every sports organization, there is the supreme leader (the CEO, commissioner, owner, etc.) and there are subordinate leaders who run divisions and units within the larger entity. Those leaders must support and implement the decisions of the supreme leader or else the entity becomes dysfunctional. There are some remarkable similarities between the military and large sports entities.
- Be yourself at all times. Don't have one personality with your superiors and another with your subordinates.
April Fools Day

However this tidbit from the University of San Diego is not funny.
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